Dorotea Paniccia - Lesson 2

LESSON 2 (02/03/2021)

During this lesson we treated multiple arguments:
  1. How to properly work with a .html file and how to create a .css to build our personal page
  2. Introduction of Autocad 3D Modelling

Base commands of AutoCAD and AutoCAD3D:
  UNITS → to change the unit of measure.
  OPTIONS → to personalise the autocad settings
  GRID (oppure F7) → to visualize the grid
  LIST → to visualize the informations that are in the database related to the selected objects
  L → last
  P → previous
  VPOINT → to change point of view
  3DORBIT → to check the 3D visualization of the objects
  COPY → copy
  PASTE → paste

Second assignment:
How to model a chessboard on AutoCad3D.

  – Model a cube 10,10,1.
  – Rotate with command VPOINT di 1,-1,1. or with command 3DORBIT.
  – Copy the cube with these mesurments: 20,0; 20,0; 60,0. Then copy to create the other lines
  – Change the color with command CHPROP - previous selection - change colour.

Other option: modelling writing on a file .txt the vectorial commands, copy them and paste them in CAD:











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