Dorotea Paniccia - Lezione 1

LESSON 1 (26/02/2021)
First Exercise:
Create a personal page with the file .html.

Softwares that we are going to use:
  – Notepad++
  – Filezilla
  – Autocad
  – Autodesk 3DS Max
  – Openshot

How to upload the files on the page:
  → Filezilla Host:
                  Nome utente: matricola alunno
                  Password: credenziali moodle

Websites that are recommanded:

Valutation of the course:
  – Modelling (20%)
  – Programming (20%)
  – Visualization (20%)
  – Production (20%)
  – Assignments and presence in class (20%)
n.b.: it is mandatory to have the 60% of presence in class

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