LESSON 3 (16/03/2021)

In this lesson we treated numerous arguments:

1. Review of the students work regarding .html files.
2. Platonic Solids: creation of a cube on AutoCAD3D with cartesian coordinates.

What is a coordinate system?

A coordinate system is a system that uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a manifold such as Euclidean space;

We are going to use coordinates: in the tridimentional space each point in the space has 3 coordinates (x,y,z)we could also use the cylindrical or spherical coordinate system (radial distance, polar angle, azimuthal angle)

How to model with coordinates in AutoCAD?
1.put dynamode off
2.options>save as autocad 2018 dwg
3.options>display>change the color if you want
5.precision> 0.000
vision> XRAY (al posto di wireframe)
vpoint> 1 -1 1 (pvista)

Examples: pyramid and volumetric space
file> egito2 to import commands in the software (drag into)
command> egipto
command> t0
EGIPTO;to create a pyramid with N sides. Insert the number of sides that you want. EX: 50 sides
T0;to insert in the doc a 3D model of a dwelling.

How to create a CUBE

step 1: create a volume with the command POLYGON, type 4 and E for the number of faces then 0,0 e 1,0 for the position in regards of x e y axes.

step 2: use the command REGION to create a 3D object from the 2D one, now we have a surface.

step 3: digit COPY 6 times to create the faces of the cube.

step 4: create a new coordinate system with the command UCS and ROTATE (rotate 90°); the faces of the cube. Do it on axis x then axis y.

step 5: to merge all the surfaces of the cube I use the command SURFSCULPT, ALL and 3DORBIT to rotate the point of view.

dwg file

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