LESSON 5 (23/03/2021)

In this lesson we treated numerous arguments: 1. boolean operations with AutoCAD3D and creation of a short video on OpenShot.
2. modellation of the UHouse of Toyo Ito.

Modelling a CONE in Autocad 3D with command CONE. Creating sections on the Cone with command SECTION. Creating Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola Sections on that cones. Modelling a BOX in Autocad 3D with command BOX and BOOLEAN with SPHERES on each faces. Capturing 10 second animation on path with command ANIPATH. Converting 10 second animation from AVI to MP4 on OPENSHOT. Importing IMAGE file to AutoCAD. commands: CONE, MIRROR, SECTION to create the different intersections: circumference, hellix, parabula e hyperbole.

creation of a cube and intersection of it with commands BOX, SPHERE, ARRAYCLASSIC, VIEWPORT3D e ANIPATH to create boleian shapes creation of a shot video on openshot

we started to work on the UHouse di Toyo Ito on AutoCAD e ( XLINE e SCALE) we scaled the floor plan


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