Serena Loro - Class 4
CLASS 4 ✽ 16 March 2021

Realization of four polygons on Autocad.

     → Continuation of TETRAHEDRON.
Polygon, 3 sides, Edge, 0,0, 1,0, Region
Mirror two times
Change UCS, 3P, Edge.
Draw two circles and bring back UCS to origin.
Select one face and rotate it with the command ALIGN.

Command ARRAYCLASSIC, select the face, polar, select vertice as the center and 3.
Surfsculpt as to transform it to a 3D object.

Polygon, 4, E, 0,0, Enter, 1,0, Enter.
Change of UCS and draw a circle with radius 1.
3Dpoly, select two points and c.
Region as to become an area and bring back UCS to origin with w.

Arrayclassic, select object, polar, vertice as center, 4.
List command to check how many elements are present.
UCS, x, 90. Mirror, select all, and select the two points.
UCS back to origin, Surfsculpt.

Polygon, 5, E, 0,0, 1,0. Region. List all to check if it is 1.
Mirror twice. Line, perp.
Move UCS to the two points found as to draw to circles.
Bring UCS back to origin.
Align one of the two faces using the point of intersection of the two circles. Erase the other one.
Draw circle using three point to the base.
Arrayclassic, polar, center at the center of the circle, 5 items.

Copy all once, use command align selecting the points as to close the solid, surfsculpt.

Polygon, 5, E, 0,0, 1,0. Polygon, 3, E.
Change UPS, 3 P. UCS, x, 90, draw circle.
Circle around the first polygon, line from its center to @0,0,2.
3Dpoly, region.
Arrayclassic, polar, center in vertice, 5 items.

Select one face to erase, change UPS, use of command arrayclassic until its formation and end with surfsculpt.

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