Serena Loro - Class 3
CLASS 3 ✽ 9 March 2021

     →Checks on personal webpages, last class regarding html.
     →Note: always put style notation in .css file.


Units: meters or unitless
Precision 0.000

Polygon, 4 sides, Edge, 0,0, 1,0, Region
Copy it 5 times.
UCS: unit coordinate system. X, 90 and rotate some of the squares.
UCS, Y, 90 and rotate some of the squares.
List, All, 6 surfaces -- Surfsculpt command shift the surface to an object.
List will result in only 1.
Screenshot of the resulting cube.

     →TETRAHEDRON - only start
VPoint 1,-1,1
Polygon, 3 sides, Edge, 0,0, 1,0, Region
Mirror two times

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