The course consists on modelling a donut,a spline tube, a 3D form, a boolean video and Uhouse .
Modelling a donut with commands ellipse,line, revolve.
Modelling a spline tube with commands circle, pline, pedit, spline, extrude.
Modelling a 3D form with commands circle and loft.
Modelling a boolean with commands box,sphere, substract. To make the video use the commands circle and anipath.
Modelling the Uhouse with commands imageatach,xline,circle,line,distance,offset,pline,substract,ucs,extrude.
This week's work:
Create a donut, spline tube, 3D form, boolean video and Uhouse model. Using Autocad to model and VLC for the video.
Modelling a donut.
Use command ellipse and make a new ucs.
Make a line 6m apart from the center. Use revolve command to make a 3D shape.
Modelling a spline tube.
Make a circle. Use command pline and spline to draw a line.
Use command extrude, path and click in the line.
Modelling a 3D form.
Make 4 circles with different coordenates.
Use command loft and click the four circles to create a 3D form.
Modelling a Boolean.
Use command box. Make a sphere at the center.
Use command substract.
Make a circle around the box. Use command anipath to make a video. Convert video from AVI to MP4.
Modelling Uhouse
Use command imageatach to insert image of Uhouse. Draw auxiliary lines.
Use command pline,region and substract to make a fachade. Change ucs and rotate the fachade.
Create a path with pline.Use command extrude, path.