Mikel Oses - Aula 7
AULA 7 ✽ 6 of April of 2021

In this class, we modelled in Toyo Itos UHouse in the AutoCad 3D software.
First we scaled the picture in Autocad, using the command scale and having as reference the size of the kitchen (0,63 m ).


Second step was to create the first lines in order to model the house. So using Xline, we draw the most important lines of the contour. After this, using the polyline, we draw the walls and one facade, so we can after extrude it as the same object.


Command Extrusion to model the house, along the path.


To make the windows, we create the negative by using the measures and the command extrusion. We use the command subtract to create the void in the wall .


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