Mikel Oses - Aula 1
AULA 3 ✽ 9 of march of 2021

On the first part of the class, we started with some corrections about the webpage.
     →In the second part of the class, we continued with the introduction to autocad, revising the exercise we did last week, the chess table. After this, we drew a cube and a tetraedron.
First we made the Cube in Autocad.

Commands in order: Vpoint, Polygon, Region, Copy, Ucs, Rotate, Surfsculpt, List.

aula aula

Next, we made the pyramid in AutoCAD

Commands in order: Vpoint, Shademode, Polygon, Region, Mirror, Ucs, Circle, Align, Arrayclassic, Surfsculpt.

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Aula Seguinte
Página Principal