Aula 08

Vera Silva


Turma 2C - Professor Luís Romão


Aula 08 - 23 de Novembro

- Continuação do trabalho anterior sobre o Pormenor;
- Conversão da Escala da imagem no sistema americano (polegadas) para a escala real (unitiless);
- Configuração do pormenor no paper space as diferentes escalas da imagem.


Opening an AutoCAD 2018 format file. Regenerating model. AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.*Cancel* Command: Autodesk DWG. This file is a TrustedDWG last saved by an Autodesk application or Autodesk licensed application. Command: Command: Command: Command: Command: _SAVEAS Command: (defun cv (pe pl numerador denominador) (_> (if (or (= numerador 0)(= denominador 0)) ((_> (atof (rtos (+ (* pe 0.3048) (* pl 0.0254)) 2 3)) ((_> (atof (rtos (+ (* pe 0.3048) (* (+ pl (/ (float numerador) denominador)) 0.0254)) 2 3)) ((_> )) CV Command: SAVEAS Command: ;float: Unknown command ";FLOAT:". Press F1 for help. Command: converts Unknown command "CONVERTS". Press F1 for help. Command: number QSELECT 4 item(s) selected. Command: to TOOLBAR Command: real Unknown command "REAL". Press F1 for help. Command: number*Cancel* Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: Command: Automatic save to C:\Users\Vera\AppData\Local\Temp\$ ... Command: Command: Command: (defun c:escala () (_> (print "Insira os valores na medição no papel") (_> (setq pol_int (getint "\nQual o valor da polegada parte inteira? ")) (_> (setq pol_num (getint "\nQual o valor do numerador na fração? ")) (_> (setq pol_den (getint "\nQual o valor do denominador na fração? ")) (_> (_> ;cálculo (_> (if (/= pol_num 0) ((_> (/ 0.3048 (((_> (+ (* pol_int 0.0254) (* (/ (float pol_num) pol_den) 0.0254)) (((_> ) ((_> (/ 0.3048 (((_> (* pol_int 0.0254) (((_> ) ((_> ) (_> (_> ) C:ESCALA Command: ESCALA "Insira os valores na medição no papel" Qual o valor da polegada parte inteira? 0 Qual o valor do numerador na fração? 1 Qual o valor do denominador na fração? 8 96.0 Command: Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Regenerating layout. Regenerating model - caching viewports. Command: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: Restoring cached viewports. Command: Automatic save to C:\Users\Vera\AppData\Local\Temp\$ ... Command: Command: m MOVE 1 found Specify base point or [Displacement] : Specify second point or : Command: Command: Command: _.undo Current settings: Auto = On, Control = All, Combine = Yes, Layer = Yes Enter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back] <1>: 1 MOVE Command: *Cancel* Command: DRAWORDER Select objects: 1 found Select objects: Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under objects/Front/Back] : B Command: *Cancel* Command: SC SCALE Select objects: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: (defun cv (pe pl numerador denominador) (_> (if (or (= numerador 0)(= denominador 0)) ((_> (atof (rtos (+ (* pe 0.3048) (* pl 0.0254)) 2 3)) ((_> (atof (rtos (+ (* pe 0.3048) (* (+ pl (/ (float numerador) denominador)) 0.0254)) 2 3)) ((_> )) CV Command: SC SCALE Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 4 found (1 duplicate), 4 total Select objects: Specify base point: Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]: r Specify reference length <1.0000>: Specify second point: Specify new length or [Points] <1.0000>: (cv 10 6 0 0) 3.2 Command: O OFFSET Current settings: Erase source=No Layer=Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0 Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] : (cv 6 10 0 0 ) 2.083 Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] : Cannot offset that object. Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] : *Cancel* Command: OFFSET Current settings: Erase source=No Layer=Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0 Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <2.0830>: *Cancel* Command: *Cancel* Command: O OFFSET Current settings: Erase source=No Layer=Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0 Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <2.0830>: (cv 10 6 0 0 ) 3.2 Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] : Cannot offset that object. Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] : *Cancel* Automatic save to C:\Users\Vera\AppData\Local\Temp\$ ... Command: Command: Command: Command: _QSAVE

Pormenor 23-11-2020 - Ficheiro

U House

Pormenor 23-11-2020 - Ficheiro

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