

To Inhabit Aging

Contributions of Artificial Intelligence to Domesticity


Having inhabit as our main research space. This thesis seeks, in general, to relate two independent disciplines: architecture and computing. And from this multidisciplinary approach, we intend to develop architectural elements that make the domestic space more sensitive to the elderly part of the population. This research is justified by the great architectural demand caused by population aging since Aging in Place is a wish of most people in this age group. It happens that a considerable number of these are people who live alone. And therefore, must-have in their dwelling an ally to improve longevity and quality of life. At the same time, artificial intelligence has proven to be a broad source of innovation in many sectors, and it can bring benefits to this issue. Especially if it is investigated through the prism of architecture and dwelling. Several authors have already discussed points and concepts of approximation between architecture and the impacts of computing. In this context, some terms arise or are "resignified", such as: digital, hybrid, cyborg, materiality, prosthesis, etc., which, in different ways, support our approach. Thus, our main objective is to develop an architectural element in the field of domesticity, which contributes to prolong older people's stay in their own homes, starting from the relationship between architecture and artificial intelligence. To this end, we rely on a methodological framework that is divided into five phases: explanatory research, case studies, surveys, experimental proposal, and validation. In this way, we hope to be able to bring contributions to the research area, as well as to support other studies that share these same concerns.

Keywords: Architecture and Computing; Ways of living; Aging in Place; Materiality; Prosthesis.

  • RELATÓRIO PARCIAL (only in portuguese)

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    This work is under development and if you want to share any suggestions, observations, or experiences,
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