Faculdade de Arquitetura
Universidade de Lisboa
Modelação e Representação Tridimensional em Arquitetura
Prof. Luís Romão
Aula 3 (09/03/2021)
In the third class we finished our website and learned how to check each html file on the validator.w3.org website.
On the second part of our class we moved on to Autocad, downloading two lsp files: Egipto and T0.
With the Egipto file uploaded, we were able to simply type the command: EGIPTO and utilize the contents of the file. Likewise with the command T0, wich contained a generic T0 apartment.
After exploring the lsp files we started creating three dimensional polyhedrons with the commands: POLYGON, REGION, UCS and SURFSCULPT.
During this class we were able to create a cube and a tetrahedron with the help of Professor Luís Romão.
Three Dimensional Polygons
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